XscionVideo is for people who cannot travel to visit different places in the world from their armchairs, to let people about to travel get an insight into the place they will visit, and to allow people who have visited a place the chance to revisit!
My Equipment:
Camaras: Sony Z100 4K, Sony AX100 4K, DJI Pocket, Insta360 One R, Twin and 1 Inch cameras.
Drones:DJI Phantom 4 drone. DJI Mavic Air drone.
Mics: Sennheiser Lavalier Mic, Sony Bluetooth Mike. v/o mic Tiantop BR-1C Neumann copy.
Power pak video-pro 25 tripod with fluid head and Sony cable control.
Edit with Edius Pro 8.3. Custom built computer, with SSD drive for speed edits, 120Tb plus storage, dual Samsung 24″ monitors. Sharp 70″ 4K TV
Zoom H4n Pro digital sound recorder.